Sunday, August 16, 2015

Twitter Finally Eliminates the 140-Character Limit for Direct Messages

Twitter Finally Eliminates the 140-Character Limit for Direct Messages
The pain to type in the boundary of characters like we did in the SMS era has been discomforting on Twitter. Users can now exchange direct messages privately of up to 10,000 characters – with the idea being that Direct Messages should seem limitless!
While Twitter is largely a public experience, Direct Messages let you have private conversations about anything under the sun! Now, your private Twitter chats can be one liners, or even lengthy novels if you choose them to be. The 140-character limit on normal public tweets however, remains unchanged.
Private chat was never a thing on Twitter. Just and just due to the limitations. Twitter’s blog announcement that it will be eliminating the 140-character limit was a sigh of relief, and another way of messaging and private chatting could be added to the surface list. This new change gives power to privacy on Twitter.
It now gives users more space to express themselves more freely and getting rid of the 140-character limit is a step in the direction of improving user experience. Twitter is flooded with some mind-boggling content on a daily basis, or even hourly basis as such, from breaking news to live events. Through this initiative it aims is to create an experience that allows users to discuss powerful moments in an environment they’re comfortable with. They don’t have to fetch things and discuss them over other chat platforms anymore.
Earlier this year, Twitter launched Group Direct Messages, where multiple users could chat at once and any user could message another user privately irrespective of the fact that they might not be following each other.
To the many times we have split texts into 4-5 parts of 140 characters, this is cheerio moment. The update will rollout to 100 percent of users worldwide, who use, TweetDeck and Twitter-owned-and-operated applications. At launch Twitter will support reading and writing long DM’s for:
  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Android
  • Web
  • Twitter for Mac
  • TweetDeck
It’s so cool to have Twitter finally address to one of its most annoying features. The app’s most defining limitation however stays the same. Well, that’s what makes Twitter, Twitter!

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